
目 的    



事 業

 (5)その他、この法人の目的を達成するために必要な事業 前項の事業については、北海道内において行うものとする。


設 立       

1973年(昭和48年)6月2日 民法第34条の規定により「財団法人」として設立(北海道教育委員会許可)
2014年(平成26年)4月1日 平成18年法律第50号第45条の規定に基づき「一般財団法人」に移行登記(北海道知事認可)        



 This foundation is intended to carry on events necessary to bring up able young people with wide knowledge of culture and science as well as rich international sense, thereby contributing to development of society.  




 This foundation does the following items (1) ~ (5) in order to achieve the above objective.
 (1)provides Grants-in-aid to the youth who are eager to absorb knowledge of science and culture, and help them

    deepen international understanding.
 (2)holds seminars and lectures to help the youth acquire knowledge of science and culture and to promote their

    international understanding.
 (3)holds events to promote the mutual understanding of young people, aiming to bring up the youth with rich

    international sense.
 (4)publishes books, etc. about science, culture, and international understanding.
 (5)does things other than those mentioned above in order to achieve the objective of this foundation. As to the

    above-mentioned events, etc. they are carried out in Hokkaido.




June 2, 1973, this foundation was established according to Civil Law Article 34.
April 1, 2014, this foundation shifted to and was registered as "general foundation" according to the revision of the related

       Civil Law.